Options allow you to control the output from wc or to display other information such as maximum line length. 可以使用选项控制wc的输出,或者显示其他信息,比如行的最大长度。
The model tries to achieve minimum transfers and maximum traveler flow per unit length with line length and non-linear rate as constraints. 该模型以换乘次数最少、单位长度运送客流量最大为优化目标,线路长度、非直线系数等作为约束条件。
For the purpose of accurate location using traveling wave, this thesis has studied the change rule of traveling wave and modulus maximum value of wavelet transform which affected by fault resistance, line length and fault inception angle. 为了分析行波对精确定位的影响,本文还研究了行波波头和波头的小波变换模极大值随过渡电阻、线路长度和故障电压相角的变化规律。
The profile parameters of maglev urban rail line are mainly about the maximum gradient, the minimum radius of vertical curve, the minimum length of straight line between two adjacent gradients and the minimum length of gradient section. 城轨磁浮线路纵断面参数主要包括最大坡度、最小竖曲线半径、最小夹坡段直线长度以及最小坡段长度。